The following is a very minor problem I've been having with Henry of which I am seeking some help. This situation or any actions in this blurb is not meant to isolate or judge anything you've tried or will try with your child. We don't co-sleep in our house not because I think there is anything wrong with that, it just doesn't work for my family. If it works for you and yours, great - it's a very beautiful thing! :)It all started on one
particularly hard day in November with Henry. We'd been so diligent about him sleeping in his crib and he was doing an excellent job with his night
sleepings being so young and all, everything was going fine, except, we let him nap in his ::gasp:: swing or
Boppy in the living room with us during the day.
Not such a big deal or anything to worry about when your baby is that small. They don't move too much, when they sleep they're pretty much out cold..
But I pretty much got a big head and decided that sleeping in the living room of a loud house was just not going to do at all. So we started the daily battle of the naps. I'd rock him, lay him down in his crib, he's panic and cry. Or he'd last 10 minutes or so before he'd wail. Being too young to "cry it out" (which I'm still not a big fan of..or not completely educated on, not sure) I'd have to go back in there, pick him up, soothe, leave, he'd cry, I'd return, repeat.
I'll admit, I got really lazy with it. One day I pretty much said screw it and let him sleep out in his swing (or on a quilt on the floor, or in his
Boppy on the floor). I mean, I guess I thought I didn't want to mess up a good thing, which is his night time sleep and I was afraid he'd develop an aversion to his crib in the day.
So for right now I have an almost 5 month old that takes 3 (1) hour naps a day IN THE LIVING ROOM. Not too big of a deal, but I am a little worried. Because what's going to happen when he's a year old, completely mobile, I'm ready to pull my hair out and I can't get him to sleep in his room during the day for a much needed Mommy break? Plus he's getting too big for the swing and the
Ugh, I just don't know what to do. And it's not that it's that big of a deal but it's my first "new Mommy mistake" I feel like I've made.
Does anyone have any advice for me on this or been in a similar situation with their child(
ren)? Any help would be appreciated.